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A fat idiot who no one likes. He's a dickhead and 'narcisstic prick' seems to describe him very well. He has an inability to spell and loves Alabama - self explanatory really. He has a odd adoration for salmon pink-shirts and screaming across a room. He is well-known for his all-round creepiness and calling children 'honey' and 'darling'. In summary, he's a disgusting waste of space and not one you should like to get to know.

'Oh that Luke over there is a waste of air. I think he's a pedophile.'

by Headofenglish December 30, 2020

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A troglodyte with no hairline. No body loves this sack of shit and he will most definitely die alone. imagine if the forever alone guy found love but the love was a dead fish and they had a baby that had seven legs and five eyes then it grew up and found love with a can of rotten sewage and that baby is what Luke looks like. the only reason anybody would care for his existence is to make fun of him.

bruh, you're such a Luke right now

by LukeHater(((((((()))))))))) May 2, 2019

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An absolute fucking retard

See that mentally challenged retard over there, his name is Luke

by Lord mammoth cock August 17, 2018

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Luke Luke is a guy who starts sweet but turns sour like a prune. He realises that he’s not going to get what he wants from you *cough cough* sex *cough cough* and because of that starts spreading stupid rumours. Then when you are in a relationship you’re so uncomfortable that you can’t breathe knowing the only thing to get away from him so you break up with him and because of that he starts making up even more rumours and makes fun of you like nothing that you and him went through was real

β€œHave you met Luke”

β€œNo but I’ve heard of him”

by Sassymcsasser123 January 21, 2018

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A person who is always wrong.

You're such a luke.

by TheRealEyeBallPaul June 29, 2018

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a perfect person in every way...brown eyes that hold notes of yellow, you could get lost in them for days. Not only a perfect face but also a perfect sense of humor. If you are around a luke you will stay laughing and smiling the whole time. Being around luke, he is so compassionate and caring, your needs will never feel overlooked and you will never feel under appreciated! He truly listens to everything like only a husband can. Never let go of luke for you will find no one that can compare. If you find one you are the luckiest person and you will definitely LOVE HIM MORE XP

Oh my lukie you are amazing! Luke how i love you so!! Please never change my perfect and sweet luke

by summerrjanee May 31, 2020

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A dude that looks like Post Malone. He often exaggerates the truth but never lies, he doesn't care enough to.

Person A: "Luke is a chill guy."

Person B: "Who's Luke?"

by frickmynameisnterika February 26, 2019

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