Japanese indie band founded in 2000 by Yusuke Nagai, Kaori Sakakibara, and Taiyo Someya.
Their most popular song on Spotify is ゆめうつつ.
"Can you put on ランプ (Lamp)?"
"Yes, because I have good taste in music."
When you and your friends go out and get chronically clamped it means your get in a drunken state
Let's get chronically lamped boys
I was chronically lamped last night
When you’re hella fatty f*cked up, get startled by and try to say “lava lamp”
“Ooooh a llama lamp”
Rubbing buckets of melted butter up and down your girlfriends back until she gets pissed and slaps you with a lava lamp.
"How did Jeff die?"
"Kelly gave him a Maine Lava Lamp."
Used to describe when British soldiers would trick other parties into going with them during world war 2
“We gas lamp syd into think we were all wearing white to the party”
A tanning apparatus for the penis. See muffin oven and hand lube.
I lost my muffin oven, can I borrow your meat lamp? We're getting pale down there.
Lava lamp; adj. The act of orgasming on your partners anus, causing it to pool. As your partner sinks into a nice warm bath, once under water, flatulates ( farts ) through the pooled semen creating bubbles simulating the wax globules in a lava lamp. Hence the name, needed to complete the stunt is 3.0 ml. of semen and 0.0069 psi. of flatus. Can also be done solo with good hand- browneye coordination.
Would you look at Wes he just created a Lava Lamp!