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ランプ (Lamp)

Japanese indie band founded in 2000 by Yusuke Nagai, Kaori Sakakibara, and Taiyo Someya.
Their most popular song on Spotify is ゆめうつつ.

"Can you put on ランプ (Lamp)?"
"Yes, because I have good taste in music."

by psychotter January 28, 2024

Chronically lamped

When you and your friends go out and get chronically clamped it means your get in a drunken state

Let's get chronically lamped boys

I was chronically lamped last night

by Yupcharva April 5, 2018

Llama lamp

When you’re hella fatty f*cked up, get startled by and try to say “lava lamp

Ooooh a llama lamp

by alexiskaleb January 26, 2020

Maine Lava Lamp

Rubbing buckets of melted butter up and down your girlfriends back until she gets pissed and slaps you with a lava lamp.

"How did Jeff die?"
"Kelly gave him a Maine Lava Lamp."

by H+M December 20, 2014

Gas Lamp

Used to describe when British soldiers would trick other parties into going with them during world war 2

“We gas lamp syd into think we were all wearing white to the party”

by Taylor Churman January 25, 2025

meat lamp

A tanning apparatus for the penis. See muffin oven and hand lube.

I lost my muffin oven, can I borrow your meat lamp? We're getting pale down there.

by Colin McDonnell October 2, 2013

Lava Lamp

Lava lamp; adj. The act of orgasming on your partners anus, causing it to pool. As your partner sinks into a nice warm bath, once under water, flatulates ( farts ) through the pooled semen creating bubbles simulating the wax globules in a lava lamp. Hence the name, needed to complete the stunt is 3.0 ml. of semen and 0.0069 psi. of flatus. Can also be done solo with good hand- browneye coordination.

Would you look at Wes he just created a Lava Lamp!

by Monsterwescoast April 8, 2024