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ciera walker

One who is sweet, loving, caring, beautiful.
She is a free spirit. Laughs when she is hurt, Dances in the rain, sings her heart out<--amazing voice btw
She is SO mature. It's outstanding. She has a very low tolerance for IMMATURE people. She is who she is & doesn't change for anyone.
She try's to be friends with everyone. She is very bubbly, cute, outgoing & trustworthy.
She Is SO beautiful. Gorgeous. Inside & Out.
She holds her head up so high but goes through so much.
She's not afraid to say what she feels.

You'r truly amazing ciera walker. Anybody would be lucky to have you in their life(:<3

by Come@meBRO(: September 28, 2011

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beef walker

someone who walks on a mans beef (penis)

A lot of women in Japan are beef walkers, it is a sort of fetish there.

by billyballzo1o June 28, 2011

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sky walker

A shaggy haired, wimpish, nymphomaniac that cowers in fear of The Nulk.

A brilliant retard!!!!!

Hey, remember that time when we locked Sky Walker in a room with The Nulk. We heard screeming... We found him in a corner cowering in fear while The Nulk stared in awe at this puny Sky Walker...

by The Nulk December 2, 2006

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skinny walker

A novajo belief of a being with a soul but no physical body, said to be a carrier of souls between the plane of the mortal and spiritual world. They are supposed to be the shape of a man, with a wolves face and bare skin, odd jointed, they arent mean to cause harm but it is said if their path is disturbed or interrupted they can turn your world upside down with havoc.

The skinny walkers are the one's who walk between worlds with a destined path.

by Kevin July 10, 2006

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james walker

noob from cambridge.

james is a noob
he doesnt like the tube
he loves phrases like "uber"
but he can't play the tuba

no, this is the bass man
but he has no bases for plans
he's more holmenated that you
go go gah choo

he aspires to be come a flea
so he can sit on your knee ;)
yet he never feels shame
and he can win the game (all laugh at jack)

Sh'it. Tha punk is one rite n00b. It must be walker

by JimBobFred January 19, 2005

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Scott Walker

The man who balanced Wisconsin's budget and has gotten nothing but crap for it. The foolish, hypocritical democrats of Wisconsin are forcing taxpayers to pay for a re-election to take him out of office.

Poor Scott Walker.....

by llamasaremyfriends April 29, 2012

91๐Ÿ‘ 380๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a person(s) walks aimlessly through a vaper that is doing smoking tricks and ruins his/her groove.

"Wind-Walking" creates a jet stream of moving air in a distilled room and causes wind.

We were all having fun tricking until the "Wind-Walker" came.

by Cam CCV December 20, 2015

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