A place where all these virgins go and make autsitic definitions of random words and names.
Oh wait...
Man, have you ever looked up Mormon Blessing on Urban Dictionary.
The site where people sexualize literally everything because they want to look cool.
Urban Dictionary is for teenagers with no life.
A site dedicated to offensive and sexually oriented definitions that are commonly false. It allows anyone to post a definition of a word asking to write for a large audience and to provide background information while excepting childish and unnecessary definitions. Not to be used for serious reference or research. Can be used for fun and jokes.
Person 1: " Hey, do you know what this word means?"
Person 2: " No, I'm not really sure. You definitely don't want to look it up on Urban Dictionary though."
Person 1: " Why not? Is it bad?"
Person 2: " No not really, you just never know what you getting."
You look this website up when youre bored in class, and even I made this post while being in my German class!! Keep searching !! Have a boring day in school!!
Good luck...
Shit, I'm bored man... Let's search on Urban Dictionary!!
Dude 2: YEah, man....
Urban dictionary is a online dictionary where random people can define the words themselves, which is a bad idea. They could say anything. But thank you for letting me define this
Nikki: Hey what's a horse?
David: How would I know? Just check urban dictionary.
a messed up website that gives the wrong definitions to 99.999999999999999% of the words on said website
Man I searched Superman on Urban Dictionary and a super hero did not pop up.
Where every acronym and a lot of the words is apparently associated with drugs, sexual activities or genitalia.
Urban dictionary, the lovely place where besides actually useful definitions, you can find stuff like OTPHJ (over the pants handjob), BBC (big black cock), BBQ (boobless bitch queen), BBL (brazillian butt lift), Superman (when you are mad at a girl for not having sex with you), just to name a few.