When an uncircumcised male gets a circumcise males penis and pulls the excess skin over the circumcised tip. And thus making the two penises look welded together as one.
Hey Casey, do you want to come over later and wiener weld? I've got a fresh clean tip!
Adj. A jovial way to call someone a dickhead or when sensitive ears are around to get your point across.
Babe, where did the boys here the word wiener noggin? Well they were acting like dickheads but you can’t say that to 8 year olds so I said, “listen up wiener noggins, get it together!”
the wicked wieners, also known as ww, is a group chat on twitter based around the reggie webber fandom. they are generally chaotic people but they love each other as if they were family. this group chat was started after reggie’s minecraft server “jasonnashville” was released.
hey have you guys seen what wendy posted?
about the wicked wieners?
yes! they are so crazy
For one to release feces out of the wiener hole!
Me and my gay friend went wiener boggling last night, it was pretty shitty!
A instance of sex involving the penis, usually euphemistically.
I hear Susie caught her husband of eight years playing hide the wiener with the local whore. She’s filing divorce papers this week.
Wiener Hang is when a mans meat works its way out of the slip in his boxers and rests up against the zipper usually resulting with a very uncomfortable feeling. can lead to rash.
The boy's severe wiener hang caused him to run awkwardly to second base during the baseball game. All the parents pointed and laughed
Very cold and negative energy. Wiener dog vibes are when a guy acts like they are hotter or more important than other guys when they actually don't have a lot of depth behind surface level. It's when a guy talks big but doesn't have much to back it up. Has an unearned air of superiority to them. Very snarky and makes everyone feel worse about themselves. But mostly, it comes down to thinking you're bigger and better than u actually are and not having the self-awareness to realize you are not.
Jock-douche turns down a cute guy that doesnt look like a mirror image of him at the bar. Then jokes about it with his friend that looks like his twin in front of cute guy.
JIM: "WOW, that Jock-douche is giving off real wiener dog vibes"