Penis That need to be Sucking Disorder
I Got a P T S D and it is Hot!
A organization originating in delta company that has made a vowed to always choose the easy wrong over the hard right. the group is ran by 5 OGs which make all the decisions like distribution of contraband or illegal dog use. Membership spans worldwide, theres no telling what there capable of
Only Trip D knows what each D stands for
Abbreviated version of One & Done which means you're only doing a one night stand with someone you'll ghost right afterwards
Friend: Hey, whatever happen to Gary?
Me: I O & D him cause the dick was trash
Friend: You did what?
Me: I One & Done him aka O&D
M-D is short for Marie-Dominique, she's a former hip-hop singer. Now she "teaches" kids to "speak" French. In order to accomplish this goal she leads a dictatorship.
Gawe beetje chillen bij M-D (Marie-Dominique)