Source Code

we're back

The intro for the Dolan Twins

Hey guys
E: i'm Ethan
G: I'm Grayson
G and E: And welcome back to this week's video
G: Wait, we have to say it
E: Say what?


by Miss Chicken July 7, 2019

We're back!

Oh? Oh!

Hym "We're back! Back in the pack! We in here! All up in your brain-mind once again! We have returned!'

by Hym Iam November 13, 2023

Step Back

A common way of transferring extreme power from you to another person in the form of a backwards force. This is done by making a stop-sign with your left hand out, and yelling “Step Back!”.

Step back! You have been told by Mark.

by dolgi_black September 10, 2018

back bobs

Back bobs a really bad photo on instagram with a bad captain that a 12 year old girl would usually post

Wow the dolphin was tight

That was a back bobs

by Tighttimmy January 22, 2018

Like omigosh like totally go back to the val-ley

An expression used to denote someone who is acting lame at the moment. Something that a Southern California girl would say especially back in the 1980s. This was made popular by the Shirley the Loon character in the cartoon Tiny Toon Adventures.

Person #1- We should just have fun today.
Person #2- *smirks*...OK (whatever)....*smirks*
Person #1- Jaimie don't be like that.. Like omigosh like totally go back to the val-ley. Like that's totally lame.

by TheSouthernOracle November 26, 2020

Triple Back-flip Ultimate Dragon Fire

Jumping from a high point doing 3 back-flip perfectly landing the dick in the Vagina and cuming

Omg Dude Carl is Going for the Triple Back-flip Ultimate Dragon Fire

by Joe Can Eat Eggs January 11, 2020

back whispering

Whispering ill or negatively about someone in a nearby area, usually with harmful or negative intent

Janet I heard all that back whispering you’ve been doing, say that shit out loud if you feel so bold in your intent

by sparxxx007 December 22, 2023