Source Code

Gerald's game

Continuous streaming of black and white ; red and blue; green and orange ; patterns that confuse.

She/He kept the Virtual Reality headset on for hours without end everyday to see patterns emerge in Gerald's game.

by Angrypup October 18, 2023

the penis game

a game of at least 2 people, in which you must take turns saying penis. there are only three rules:

- you must say "penis" when it's your turn
- you must say it louder than the person preceding you
- you must not laugh, giggle, chortle, etc.

failing to follow these rules will result in elimination. have fun!

wanna play the penis game?

by loonafan45 August 14, 2022

the penis game

The penis game is a 2-6 player game created by the youtuber Baylen Levine. You stand in a crowded area then you and your friend take turns of saying the word 'penis' and you gradually get louder.

You: Let's play the penis game.
Friend: penis
You: penis
Friend: PENIS

by bbigbbarry January 9, 2022

Game changer

Someone who thinks of everything as a game or a sport/for sport, but always changes the rules, schedules, or changes/throws the game entirely if they start to lose at it. Usually these are your most competitive people to begin with, desperate to win at any cost.

The game changer always thought everything was a game to everybody else too, and that everybody should always be just as playful and friendly about life as him/her.

by Solid Mantis December 6, 2020

Game changer

Someone who thinks of everything as a game or a sport/for sport, but always changes the rules, schedules, or changes/throws the game entirely if they start to lose at it.

The game changer always thought everything was a game to everybody else too, and that everybody should always be just as playful and friendly about life as him/her.

by Solid Mantis December 6, 2020

Game changer

Someone who's always going to try and throw the game (off) against you no matter who the underdog really is, they will always claim to be the underdog (they would claim to be the worm until it was no longer popular with the in crowd, then they're no longer the underdog, since an underdog really isnt much different than a worm). Someone who changes every rule and schedule until they end up winning, and tries to keep duping and tricking the ones who caught on to them.

His/her favorite line was game changer, since he/she saw himself/herself as a game changer and not someone who didn't handle losing well, but was desperate to convince other people that he/she took it all in stride, and shook it off every time. He/she didn't want people to think of him/her as being a sore loser like everyone else.

by Solid Mantis January 15, 2021

Game changer

Someone who never holds a grudge because theyre usually the ones everyone else would be mad at instead of the ones mad at somebody else if they knew who ket throwing the games.

He/she was full of shit, so he/she never really had anything to be mad about in the first place. As a game changer and a rule changer, he/she spent his/her life pissing other people off and trying their patience, not getting pissed off themselves or getting theirs tried.

by Solid Mantis January 15, 2021