pulling a joe: a drunk belligernt person who attacks their freind why they are sleeping.
damn last night mike was pulling a joe when he got all drunk and attacked sterling.
When a friend says that they will join you for some local Chinese cuisine but then they say no at the last minute.
11:32 am - Person 1: Hey Person 2, how about some Chinese food with me and the gang? Some good ol' Chinois.
11:33 am - Person 2 Sure thing chicken wing.
4:32 pm - Person 2: Hey fellas, i'm not coming any more.
Person 1: Hey man, that's pulling a Joe
I can’t wait to do a ‘Joe greenwood’ to KGN blogs today
I’m going to the Sgt Maj and pulling a ‘Joe greenwood’
joe mama but bad yargggg hahaaa hoahaoahao
Guanaagahaga gorg barb
hey you
joe mamas
oh yeah ?
joe mam
Cool kid. Vapes for $3, Juul for $5.
Get a joe chode you fucking nigger
A man who can’t handle his drink, doesn’t brush his teeth, and can’t fight.
You’re such a joe parr, just brush your teeth for once in your life.
A gay gradient headed man from the hit show Bugbo
Gradient Joe is GAY