Located in Arvada, Colorado, and A suburb of Denver. Ralston Valley High School is the location of the 2006 AIDS Scare in which nearly all of the sexy, yet disgusting, females collapsed in the disease ridden halls. Some notable homos from the flaming baby blue school are Daniel Tosh, Ellen Degeneres, and Elton John. Ralston Valley (also called Vanilla Valley) Is mainly aryan dominated, just the way they like. RV is known for their massive ragers where Charlie Sheen caliber lines of coke are delivered by the truck load, and inhaled almost instantly. At these parties, and in the school in general, muscle shirts and large biceps are required at all times. Lack of muscle at VV will result in your useless and shriveled testicles to be promptly removed and blended into an AIDS margarita. In short, it sucks there. :)
Jacob: Hey you wanna go to that crazy party at Ralston Valley High School?
Tyrone: Nah bro I'm black.
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A school just a half mile from (Springboro High School) where about 25% of the students, who are often jocks, are complete jerks who are rich as fuck and talk shit about each other behind each others backs. Of that 25% some engage in illegal activity such as finding the "Candy Shop" and buying some "candy" for their personal use. Roughly 10% of the people are bullies who knowingly antagonize their victim on a daily basis by saying "Hey (insert victim's name here)" which is meant to simply just make the victim feel awkward and belittle them. When this occurs often the victim can do nothing because they cannot simply go to a teacher and say that someone keeps saying hi to them. About 50% of the students are normal people who are simply trying to do the best they can and walk around in a bliss simply not coming to the realization of the bullying and other illicit activities that are happening around them. Lastly, there is the 15% that are normal humane people that are willing to help those that are belittled and bullied, but often get bullied for it. Overall, life at SJHS sucks for those that aren't jerks and rich.
Kid 1: Do you go to Springboro Junior High School?
Kid 2: Yes, it sucks. All the jocks are rich and complete asses.
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A small high school in La Pine, Oregon. Basically everyone is related to someone so there’s most likely incest happening in the town. The cliques are like what you see in cheesy 80s movies. You have the nerdiest nerds, popular kids, weird emos, the “best athletes” etc. The hicks think it’s cool to post pictures of confederate flags and proceed to get mad when people call them out for being racist. Sports are the only thing people care about in this school and the sports aren’t even that good. If you don’t do a sport, you’re worthless to the teachers. There’s tons of “Nikolas Cruz” types of kids and expels for threats left and right. Juuling in the bathrooms are considered a religion and if you don’t do it, you’re apparently lame. Most of the boys are fuckbois and only care about getting it with the hoes. The bathroom constantly smell like a mixture of vape and shit. Almost every boy drives a truck because they think they look “mysterious” and they wear cowboy boots. Pretty much everyone are idiots. The staff think they’re funny and quirky when they put on these stupid little dancing skits or whatever. Almost every guy has a girlfriend but she goes to a different school so you don’t know her. The rest of the guys without girlfriend are gay. Everyone is fake and toxic in some way but you can’t change friend groups since your friends have been the same since 2nd grade. In conclusion, LPHS is an interesting school in both a good and b a d way.
“I go to La Pine High School.”
“Oh God I’m so sorry. How many hicks want to fight you for no reason everyday?”
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black people go to druid hills high school
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A pretty good high school in Charlotte, NC. To be honest probably the best in the CMS system. However, the students are total fucks. They tend to talk shit and never back it up, say the N word even though they are white, and finally the most common Myers Park trait is to talk shit to other schools about their football teams and not even be able to get a SINGLE state championship! The parties at MP are pretty lit so as long as you aren’t an athlete or a kid just trying to get a decent education with other kids who aren’t looking for trouble this is the place for you. If you want to go to App State this is the exact place you want to be. Last but not least the MP barstool account on ig acts very hard considering the fact that he or she more than likely lives in a million dollar house in the Myers Park area of Charlotte just like the majority of this wealthy public school.
Rachel: Those kids are total pricks.
Steven: Yeah, they go to Myers Park High School.
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gay whites and asians that tryna be white
person 1:oh youre from temple city high school?
person 2: hell yea
person 1:damn no wonder why i thought you were gay
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The shittiest school ever, filled with druggos, sluts and whores.
Fights happen EVERY WEEK literally!?!?!?
pioneer state high school is a shitty school
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