Someone who dates/hits on everyone. Like to make out;sleep with everyone!
Ashlee Hamman Is such a whore she was calling this guy cute and saying you'd never date me! I'm too ugly. For example view Attention Whore
Girl 1-What did you do last weekend?
Girl 2-Oh you know just slept with Danny,Bob,Gerard,Tommy,and...
Girl 1-(She interrupts) Woah woah woah hold on...You slept with all of them? Holy shit bitch!
Girl 2-Yeah well there dick were huge!
Girl 1-Whispers *slut* (Walks off.)
This is a female of a very low social status, low moral and ethical foundations, a girl of a lower class in society who absolutely no fuckin' needs anyone, guys from her only need her deep tight holes between her legs :) .. they use her simply as a means of draining her male excretions from the balls, as a person, no one needs her as a person! Sometimes requires money for sex. She's dressed very vulgarly: mesh tights/stockings, a leather jacket, bright red lipstick, high heels , and so on. Smoky, slightly male voice, smokes, uses profanity, loves stupid TV shows 'bout all sorts of doodles/assholes, her entourage is the same girls like herself.
Jack: Did you meet someone at the nightclub yesterday? Or was he left with nothing?
Peter: Well bro, I picked up one girl for the night and fuck with her, she's such a depraved slut, I didn't expect it, she sucked my balls for half an hour!!
A slut is someone who says someone else is a slut.
it takes a slut to know a slut
similar to dude, a gender neutral term used to greet and/or address your friends. people'll say it means "a woman who sleeps around" but that definition is misogynistic and outdated and it should be scrapped.
Hey, slut. How was your driving test yesterday?
Her :She's such a slut!
Him: Oh yea, Alex? Dont worry about her
Person 1: ameera is a disgusting slut
person 2:Yes she wears promiscuous clothing which makes her a slut!!
A woman who thinks she is the absolute shit for getting with every guy who breaths. (fyi to all the sluts out there you're not hot or sexy or pretty for getting with so many guys they just know ur easy and are using you for a root xx)
Shes a slut and she knows it.......