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People use this to be epic like flamingo and one more thing RESPECT THE VETS!!!!!!

Noob: Sigh, I wish i could get cool and popular like Flamingo

Noob: Maybe If I try this

Noob: REBEX B)

Epic Pro: still chill still chill still chill still chill still chill she be bad she be bad she be bad she be bad she be bad she be bad


by Markdabetterer_M9 April 14, 2021

surname b

people whose names start with the letter b are often slutty, hot and are the ones who loose their virginity first.

person 1: did you hear hannah B lost her virginity?
person 2: well i mean her surname b what did you expect.

by missycupquake July 29, 2016

Cracked out B r ie

a white girl.
The very definition of un-Barbie.

Someone posted another .gif of that Barbie doll looking surprised.
Cracked out B r ie
little weird kid

by Young Jazzy Yo October 31, 2023


'tri-B' or 'triple B' stands for 'beta-bitch boy'. Commonly used as an adjective and a slur when referring to another male. (can also be used when asserting dominance)

this fucking tri-B cut me off the road.

by GasInCoke February 22, 2021

Rule 34 b.

It's the alternative of rule 34 "if something exists, there's porn of it". This rule also add "if something exists, there's a fanfiction of it"

Person a: I can't believe there's a fanfic about Ben Shapiro
Person b: it's the Internet rule 34 b.

by WorthlessSouda March 23, 2022

Los B's

The group of Bizznotches; their force combined

as if one bizznotch wasn't enough... we have all of Los B's here

by kelsey/susan/alison/crystal/gorms January 24, 2004

s k i b i d i t o i l e t

death by skibidi

it means d e a t h from all that refuse to worship s k i b i d i t o i l e t

by SKIBIDIMAN123!!!TOILET November 8, 2023