Fem. Noun. Describing a woman who has hurt a man's feelings by not being interested in the prospect of sexual relationships with him.
Dan: wanna hang out later?
Lisa: no thanks, I'm not interested
Dan: slut
A sexy woman that has a lot of daddies.
Jake: Look at Jess. She's such a slut.
Aurthur: But she's hot. Have you ever cummed in her tight pussy?
Jake: Ya. And she called me daddy and drank my cum.
A word women call other women when the chick is hotter than them.
*hot girl walks by
“Do you see how short her dress is? What a slut.”
Typically a slur used by northern street fags, slut; may be used as a term of endearment whilst in a long term, intimate engagement with thy of female origin
Alyson: “Hey baby do you want to go out to eat tonight?”
Ben: “Sure! But only if you’ll be my slut afterwards!”
Sweet Little Unforgettable Thing
(To your friends)
(To your enemies)
Stupid Little Unwanted Trash
(“Slut” to your friend)
Don’t worry, you’re a S.L.U.T. girl!
(“Slut” to your enemies)
Wow, you are such a S.L.U.T. bitch..
Someone who has shown to value sexually opportunities over the loyalties of themselves or others.
My wife is a total slut, she has slept with 6 men since we have been married.