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Fem. Noun. Describing a woman who has hurt a man's feelings by not being interested in the prospect of sexual relationships with him.

Dan: wanna hang out later?
Lisa: no thanks, I'm not interested
Dan: slut

by Brups December 22, 2021


A sexy woman that has a lot of daddies.

Jake: Look at Jess. She's such a slut.
Aurthur: But she's hot. Have you ever cummed in her tight pussy?
Jake: Ya. And she called me daddy and drank my cum.

by IDunnoWhatI'mDoing January 21, 2021


Sunglasses, shades

Wow bro nice sluts where’d you get them?
Sunglass hut

by notmychlorine December 8, 2021


A word women call other women when the chick is hotter than them.

*hot girl walks by
“Do you see how short her dress is? What a slut.”

by Cally Gieser July 29, 2020


Typically a slur used by northern street fags, slut; may be used as a term of endearment whilst in a long term, intimate engagement with thy of female origin

Alyson: “Hey baby do you want to go out to eat tonight?”
Ben: “Sure! But only if you’ll be my slut afterwards!”

by Northern Street Fag April 19, 2020


Sweet Little Unforgettable Thing
(To your friends)
(To your enemies)
Stupid Little Unwanted Trash

(“Slut” to your friend)
Don’t worry, you’re a S.L.U.T. girl!
(“Slut” to your enemies)
Wow, you are such a S.L.U.T. bitch..

by Winteroses February 7, 2019


Someone who has shown to value sexually opportunities over the loyalties of themselves or others.

My wife is a total slut, she has slept with 6 men since we have been married.

by Sylvia is Cumming December 6, 2020