Something that someone of some intellectual knowledge would say in order to get their point across. Someone that says a word would most likely be someone that has had some sort of education.
"I said a word guys! Am I smart or what?"
"Fucking finally. We thought you were just retarded"
AAAAAAAA aaaaaa AAAA aaaAA you broke the paradox AAAaaaaAAAAAaaaaa
Word Word Word Word Word Word Word
"Word" is the shortened form of the phrase: "my word is my bond" which was originated by inmates in U.S. prisons. The longer phrase was shortened to "word is bond" before becoming "word," which is most commonly used. It basically means "truth." Or "to speak the truth."
"Yo, I fucked twelve bitches last night."
"Word?" ("You speak the truth?")
"Word." ("I speak the truth.")