When there is an abundance of something so good that it drips “out the back”.
Nustin: How do you like your sub?
Nieber: I don’t care as long as it’s got mayo out the back.
Nustin: Is this gonna be a good party?
Nieber: Yeah, there’s gonna be people out the back.
The art of eating pussy while a chick is doggy position.
Bro, I was Eatin' Cat From The Back last night. My nose was in her asshole but she loved it!
When a person uses soy sauce, hoisin sauce or any other sauce used in Asian foods as lube.
Person 1: Hey man, did you ever hook up with that chick you were talking to last week?
Person 2: Oh yea bro, she let me back alley lo mein her on the second date. She even picked the type of sauce hahaha.
Person 1: That's wild man. So what did she pick?
Person 2: Soy sauce bro. You know how much I love soy sauce on what I eat hahahaha.
An extremely fat person.
Look at that huge fuckn’ fat back. Prolly ain’t seen his dick since grade school. He’s gotta weigh 500 pounds.
Some one who has a fat ass back.
I called one of my friends a fat back because they have a fat ass back!
A pre-flatscreen era TV, tube TV.
Damn bro the 90’s called… they want their fat back back. Get yourself a new TV already!
*Sigh* Oh Andy... What a shame... I guess I should have taken you up on that offer to come out there.... Oh, well, I'm sure I'll be finished by the time you're out and I will come rescue you. Or you'll beat the charges.
Myron "I would have known! I WOULD HAVE KNOWN!"
Hym "How would you have known, shit-head? He would have confessed to rape to you? Really? And if you wouldn't have hung out with him if he was guilty (which I doubt), would you have snitched? In which case, why would he tell you? Dumb. Low-value and dumb. But he's back in prison again. That's a bummer. If you hurry up and get me my shit I'll save him. Their desperation to lock him up might have something to do with me and my input would likely be substantial."