an excuse to give up your goals
I haven't focused enough on my plan a so I have plan b
B S music = 'buy something' , or; bullshit !! the obligatory "music" one can NEVER ESCAPE !!
played eternally @ sports arenas and places of trade. marketeers seem to feel SOME sort of variety of "tunage"
is DE RIGUER !! , and loosens the resistance to parting with $$$$ !! - that people are SCARED of dead QUIET !!
SOMETHING MUST be polluting the air, ALWAYS !!
'prescribing' probably 70+ years of music for people of ALL ages ?? i really don't think so !!
nick and scott @ peter eaters game: nick: I HATE this ditty !! scott: that's the B S music !! , let's go and get some DUNG WRAPS !!
tv: the B S music on that commercial casts a dark pall over my normally sunny personality
i went into the walgreen's store @ christmas, and heard NO B S music !! i was; HUHH ??
the urban dict. editor 'bumped' my def. , then was TORTURED by B S music while shopping @ foolsley's !!
i've ALWAYS had 'trouble' with this tune ! , thought he/she...
What lesbians call secret orgies. Bang under cover & bond.
Hey Mandy wanna come over later?
-Yeah let's do operation b.u.c. & b!
Haha yeah text me! I think Katelyn & Stephanie are coming too!
Also known as BBBBBBBB, B8, B^8 and other similar names. The 8 B's stand for "Blonde Bae Bin Bag Bimbo Bobesha Bestie Boo" and is often used as a nickname for young posh girls from England
Dom: Hey, B⁸ nice to meet you
B⁸ (Kie): Thank you Dom I will stream weird! It's my favorite album
valorant moment
me when im pushing bsite be like: yo im top fragging
can we push b site? i dont think the enemies will be a.
A bazza b is a person with a long plait, wears sandals, knows every height of every mountain and speaks and walks rapid.
Did you see how quick Bazza B was then?
Rickey B is loyal, steadfast, and always been "wit tha shit". He is a straight thug from the hood and don't take no shit from the opps and he never stops for the cops. Also he will fight anyone who messes with people he loves and cares about. Rickey B is commander and is always looking out and has everything under control from the streets to the bills at his momma's house, at all times. He doesn't mind telling you what he thinks. He doesn't hold any resentment towards his past regardless of how bad you did him. He remembers all of your good qualities and never passes judgement. He's one of a kind and will love you as long as you'll allow him to once he falls in love. Even if you don't love him back. If he loves you, you are loved unconditionally and forever. He never admits to doing anything wrong to anyone ever and always defends and justifies his actions first and to the fullest before he will tell you that you're right. He is not afraid to tell you that he's sorry. He has the biggest D*** on the planet. Also he is a gentle lover who makes love like no other. Does not back down in an argument. Dont talk about his mom or grandmother. Those are fighting words.
Felicia: That dude over there that's a Rickey B. I bet he is "wit the shit,
Becky: oh yeah for sure a Rickey B no doubt about it.
Rebecca: Dibs!
Becky: bye felicia! Rickey B loves him some Rebecca.