So let me explain something here, a few years ago there was such an account as BigPutz41 back in 2022. That was kind of my account... So anyway I have lost that account, but on there there was such a definition of Joe BiTen. As many things have changed since then, here is a new definition, but I obviously recommend checking out the old one first. So not very many things will change here, but it will have a bit of a refresh.
So, Joe Biten is a nice president who bites a lot, although he may seem quite strange at first sight. His brother is Joe Biden and they've both been presidents multiple times. But since Joe Biten bites a lot, people have stopped electing him which is why he's not famous anymore. Nobody talks about him anymore and the public doesn't know his mysterious lifestyle. He was a popular bastard back in 2015. The only person who knows where he lives is Donald Trump, as they are quite close friends. Another fun fact is that Joe Biten Trump, George the Third Trump, and Thomas Jefferson Trump are all a part of the Warner Brothers production and produced Harry Potter and Harry Styles. A spoiler is that Harry Potter killed Sirius Black. The full story of all these people will be in the link below. (There's no link below.)
And yes, this whole story is 100% true, otherwise why would it be in the dictionary?!
(Ya'll don't have to read this part but like this ain't copyright that was my original text I just changed up a few things)
Damn, is that Joe Biden in Walmart!?
Shit Luke, are you dumb? That's Joe BITEN. He might bite you, so don't come up close to him, he's like a crazy wild animal. After Walmart, he'll have a meeting with lions since there's not much of a difference between them and they have found something common between each other so they are now quite close friends. Isn't it obvious they're his close friends?
On 26 August, 2024, Joe Rogan died after a shootout with the police. He will be missed 😭 RIP JOE ROGAN
Slang term for the fastfood outlet 'Hungry Jacks'.
The term 'Junky Hoes' was derived from 'Hunky Joes', which originated from 'Hungry Jacks'.
Homeboy1: ey bruz lets go mack down on some Hunky Joe's.
Homeboy2: nahh man i had a UDW meal from hunky's last night and almost got rolled by those crack dealen bmx swindlers that get $5 BJ's off those junkie hoes that hang around hunky joes.
Homeboy1: aight man ill bring you back some onion rings.
A jive turkey, often says no thank you whilst wagging finger.
He would be a good guy if he weren’t a Joe Whyte
“Popping a short-handed Joe” is the expression of fisting a handicapped human in the anus with half a hand.
“Mind popping a short-handed Joe on me? I really need that after my long day at work!”
“Sure, no worries!”
A joe Massive fartman can be used to describe someone who makes alts and fake servers to fart in. A joe Massive fartman may even use snapchat and talk to (12 year old) girls.
"Omg hes pulling a Joe Massive fartman"
"This iraqi is such a Joe Massive fartman"