A person who has multiple male figures or have many boyfriends
Bro she had a lotta boyfriends she a hoe
A girl named Haley Morales being a bitch
Haley Morales is a hoe
and a bitch because she is a hater and a horrible person
a hoe is someone who will date any one
cough cough (ethan) cough
oh he a hoe
cough cough ethan cough
An item in Minecraft used to farm seeds or vegetables, it varies in materials like Wood, Stone, Iron, Gold and Diamond
When right-clicked it turns a block of dirt into a block of farmland on which you can plant Potatoes, Carrots, Beetroots, Melons, Pumpkins, Basic Seeds.
It is not a tool you are going to want to attack hostile mobs with
Pimp friend: Eyo Playa nice tools ya got in ya pocket (meaning the hoe)
Me (also a pimp): Respecc playa i farm all the greens with my hoes