The dead skin and oils from you hands that clog up all the cracks and crevice of your handheld devices like a mouse or controller.
That mouse has too many buttons. Think of all the hand chum that will build up.
A hoe, but a minor one, mostly a tease. Lots of hand jobs, ya know.
That junior high bitch ain't nothin but a hand trick.
When you receive a hand job from a little person (midget for the less politically correct).
Kevin: What's the weirdest shit you've done?
Mike: Got a short hand in a 7/11 parking lot.
Wank hand is the term used to describe witch particular hand was used in the event of frequent wank sessions.
Person 1: oi mate, geez a handshake!
Person 2: nah man that's your wank hand, that is!
When the intial do teller gets told what to do.
Josh: "Go wash the dishes Mike."
Mike:"Go take out the trash Josh."
Carl: "Dam that's some Second-Hand Monkey-Hand."
She has her hand strocking my dick.
Why she got her hand on my pappy in the car.
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This is a man that is overtly funny, however, he also has fairly funny hand that are extremely laughable.
That guy, yea, he is Funny Hands