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double triple bossy deluxe, on a raft, four by four animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim

Bubble Bass's order

"I'll take a double triple bossy deluxe, on a raft, four by four animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim."
"We serve FOOD here, sir."

by GeneralChimp August 26, 2017

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

triple decker dick plunger cock hoover double handed head swirler saliva slurping soul sucking 5000 special move combo

Ash Kash is the only know master of the triple decker dick plunger cock hoover double handed head swirler saliva slurping soul sucking 5000 special move combo that is currently living. Predecessors pass this move down the most talented pupil.

Bro 1: Bro! Ash Kash just pulled of the triple decker dick plunger cock hoover double handed head swirler saliva slurping soul sucking 5000 special move combo
Bro 2:No way!

by Brochacho 6ix9ine August 24, 2020

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

the forbidden predominant space time continuum bending, soul snatching, reality distorting, quintuple ultra seal vacuum, Gwak gwak twister gobble double bubble blowie combo wombo beyond infinity procedure.

the forbidden predominant space time continuum bending, soul snatching, reality distorting, quintuple ultra seal vacuum, Gwak gwak twister gobble double bubble blowie combo wombo beyond infinity procedure.

is simply destruction

Some slut: I will now preform the forbidden predominant space time continuum bending, soul snatching, reality distorting, quintuple ultra seal vacuum, Gwak gwak twister gobble double bubble blowie combo wombo beyond infinity procedure.

Everything: Dead

by RickyBobTosun May 5, 2021

54πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Ay, bee, see, dee, e, ef, gee, aitch, eye, jay, kay, el, em, en, oh, pee, que, ar, es, tee, you, vee, double you, ex why, zed.

when your so bored you wonder how you spell each letter of the alphabet.

"hmm I wonder how to say each letter in the alphabet"
"I know

Ay, bee, see, dee, e, ef, gee, aitch, eye, jay, kay, el, em, en, oh, pee, que, ar, es, tee, you, vee, double you, ex why, zed."

by boooooooooooooored June 2, 2021

58πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

I double dog triple frog quadruple hog quintuple log sextuple blog septuple clog octuple old grog nonuple cog decaple flog duodecaple fast jog tredecaple prologue dare you

the most intense dare ever to be wielded by anyone. cannot back out of it no matter what or chaotic things will happen.

DUDE! I double dog triple frog quadruple hog quintuple log sextuple blog septuple clog octuple old grog nonuple cog decaple flog duodecaple fast jog tredecaple prologue dare you to stick your dick in the blender.

by Keepo123 September 8, 2015

34πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

ay bee see dee ee eff gee aitch ai jay kay el em en oh pee queue are ess tea you vee double you ex why and zed

the alphabet?

"tell me the alphabet"
"ay bee see dee ee eff gee aitch ai jay kay el em en oh pee queue are ess tea you vee double you ex why and zed"

by NotÞatGuy January 5, 2023

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

gawk gawk gremlin super nigga balls in my mouth up and double combo 300 nut twister bumfucker up and down maybe even pound triple combo 11000 with a little drip drip from the balls at the end when ever you go to 6 eleven 4002xl3000

gawk gawk gremlin super nigga balls in my mouth up and double combo 300 nut twister bumfucker up and down maybe even pound triple combo 11000 with a little drip drip from the balls at the end when ever you go to 6 eleven 4002xl3000 is the best thing you will ever have some people have it upside down or perpendicular it is promissed yo dick will get bigger by -6.9 inches

i just had some gawk gawk gremlin super nigga balls in my mouth up and double combo 300 nut twister bumfucker up and down maybe even pound triple combo 11000 with a little drip drip from the balls at the end when ever you go to 6 eleven 4002xl3000 up side down on a stair case.

by gawk gawk gremlin super nigga April 30, 2022

33πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž