When you pop out your glass eye, get on your knees and tell him to plug your eye socket.
His dick was so small, I decided the only thing to do was keep my eye on the prize.
code for having a crush on somebody
“hey you have an eyelash hanging from your eye”
“oh thanks” *rubs eye*
Giving someone a look of neutrality when making a decision.
I asked my girl if I could give her a Golden Shower or California Mudslide, and in her moment of indifference, she gave me the swiss eye!
The motion of the eyes focusing on objects going past whilst on a train other moving thing.
"Dad ::nudges:: dad! look man look!"
"hes doing the eye thing"
::makes gesture towards man in carrige::
When you ejaculate on a girls face, particularly her eyes, and let them dry. When she opens her eyes there will be an opaque lens of dry semen which she will look through.
Yesterday I fell asleep after a long night of sex and woke up with semen eyes.
The eye theory is when ones eyes are the ones that you are the most fascinated about, they always have a story to tell and just by looking them in the eyes tells you something of them.
Alex: look! John drew Emma's eyes the most accentuated and the most detailed, she doesnt even have such big eyes!
Kim: maybe he has the eye theory!
A raid exotic that snchmbrs doesn't have lol
ItsAd96: Do you think Sean will get it this time?
Naze: Eyes of Tomorrow? Hell naw.