Lucky G. Is a greek comedian , vloger , celebrity . His channel on YouTube is private and only some VIP subscribers can enjoy his uploads .
I love Lucky G. he is the best !
Bein a lucky mofucka that is more g than all of compton, minus the nigga(r)s let them kill them selves. But come at me homie what u want what u need i got u. N if it's about ur chick last night lol there's 1 of 2 things to do let's bang or u go cry.... Either way u gonna b cryin bitch!
Ah shit here comes Lucky G how much money u got? 50 word! AY LUCKY?!? OVER HERE!
Portmanteau of g-chat and nirvana. G-vana is reached when a late-night g-chat conversation reaches a level of such absurdity and hilarity that Maslow's highest level of existence, self-actualization, is reached.
We reached g-vana last night around 1:33 am and were exhausted thereafter, though we stayed up long enough to watch one episode of Mad Men on Netflix.
Slang term for a large penis of African heritage. Sometimes referred to as a BBC.
I think she's looking for the G-Bone tonight.
Lookout, this dude's got the G-Bone.
If that lil G-Neck said some shit like dat in my hood, he'd have his white ass shot! He betta keep his Jelly role jacked up S-10 ass in that trailer park.
i love jenn, shes so fucking awesome.
guy 1: "taslgas;g"
guy 2: "ME TOO, man...she is beyond fucking awesome!"
Hazza g is the term given to someone who is amazing. Everyone must love and care for there Hazza G as it is very prone to being attacked (especially when Sophie wants your apple juice)
Hey harry, you’re such a Hazza G my g!