Brushing your teeth and flossing your gums
Did you brush and tuck n' tape tape last night?
gvrjtnrvuihnejdk higenjm fhvnffuhvgbhwhfnuvy n
yes i typed it all exactly like the dumb thing already written ouch...
This is where a guy drips hot candle wax on the head of his cock(hot at 1st but should cool fast) so that it resembles a dairy queen dip cone. Then guy enjoys a good wank.the sponge may crack the wax cap or not either way it should feel good!
I did. Jack n wax on my "candle" Last. Night. My gf wanted to know why my head was red!
The peace sign that you make with your index and middle fingers as you hold your penis to pee. pee, peed, urinate, go number 1, take a leak, drain the lizard, wee wee, urinal
I went to the bathroom at the end of the hallway, I had to go badly. When I got into the stall, I unzipped my pants, took off my fanny pack and peed-n-peace and it felt good.
To jerk off a nigga with your feet, you first clasp it and then stroke back and forth like a swim.
Oh he was eating the soul out my pussy so I clasp’d n swim this nigga
This freak had a foot fetish and asked me to clasp n swim him 😳
The act of crying, or, “weeping,” immediately following a T-bagging.
Can apply to either party involved in the T-bagging, or, “Steeping.”
My tinder date last week let me T-bag her. But it reminded me of my X. So I pulled the OL’ steep n’ weep.
When you never shave so your girlfriend has to search for your flaccid penis amongst your overgrown public hair.
Hey babe do you want to play a game of Vietnamese hide n seek