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skate rocks

this means fuck off ( F-off ) plain and simple

this originates from skateboarding world,
it is similar in origin to suck lemons,
you can 'suck lemons' or go suck lemons or you should suck lemons
are all replacable with F-you or F-off or skate rocks
meaning, skateboarding in rocks or gravel is NOT fun,
so,, you can skate rocks, would be a usage from its origin, but now, it is like most F-off/F-you phrases and can stand alone, and not be so grammatically correct
such as, 'people that are cruel, skate rocks and leave me alone;

If you dont like what I say then skate rocks.

by smilesnkisses February 4, 2010

lets rock & roll!

when your about to leave the house with your family and dad or mum? says lets rock & roll! in the UK.

child: i'm ready lets go now.
dad: lets rock & roll!

by garlicisepik February 12, 2023

Chicken Rock

Chicken Rocks are another term that can be substituted for the word “egg.” They come in many sizes and colors. It is common for Chicken Rocks to be dictated in the spring time. Chicken Rocks are a unique type of rock.

I had a left over chicken rock from lunch, and when my mate lost a bet, I made her carry the rock around for a full week.

by Yoyodad January 16, 2020

Bindi Rock

A genre of alternative rock music that emerged from India in the 70's with influences of Bhangra and Hindustani.

Pakora Soul Train plays amazing Bindi Rock.

by Hari Sitar April 29, 2014

nasty ass rock


Hobo 1: Mmm that nasty ass rock was good

Hobo 2: bitch

by Kanye Southeast January 5, 2023

3👍 1👎

rock full of pockets

When your friend is too high & can't form a sentence.

Ryan said "I have a rock full of pockets" as he sat in the creek playing with the sand & rocks.

by KernelFingerBang January 28, 2017

rocking the house

Verb for someone going at it really loudly.

Stephanie was rocking the house last night! We could hear her on the 8th floor!

by KP-ISR08 October 21, 2008