A privatized term used to dictate that a commandment paper is infallibly
I SafeGUARD-TC™© this form so no one can dopplegang it without being punished by Hellfire-D.
1👍 1👎
Dzjhiaomahaah©™® dzjhiaomahaah©™® dzjhiaomahaah©™® dzjhiaomahaah©™® dzjhiaomahaah©™® dzjhiaomahaah©™® .
A type of religious practice which keeps those with this belief system from homelessness.
In so glad I am a Anti-Homeless Christian©. My religion kept the landlord from evicting me and my fellow peers.
1👍 1👎
God DAMN you must have been bored
Have fun with the rest of your most likely boring day after typing out 1234567890@#$_&-+() /*"':;!? ~`|•√π÷׶∆£¢€¥^°={}\%©®™℅<> out in the Urban Dictionary-
10👍 1👎
When you write every character on phone
Why were you so bored you wrote qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm1234567890@#$_&-+()/*"':;!?~`|•√π÷׶∆£¢€¥^°={}\%©®™✓
10👍 4👎
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14👍 8👎