Source Code


1) The best angry face emote icon in teh world!!

2) can be used as a fill for a word (eg. angry)

3) used to help describe dislike in internet forums/IMs and online games

1) >:0 my angry face killed your angry face.. BITCH!!

2) im >:0 at you cuz your a jerkoff

3) d00d u 0n|y k!ll3d m3 cuz of teh lagg >:0

by xXxAARONxXx July 8, 2008

24πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


a man with his arms in the air, being rather happy.

imperium: omg, hawkeye just totally pwned me
hawkeye: \0/ owned ;)

by Β¬_Β¬ April 7, 2005

45πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


-0 it’s a zero but the negative way
If you are someone that knows about -0 Then you are using -0% of your brain πŸ‘Œ

-0 Was created by: LutionsForever a YouTuber that makes animations!

Teacher: Alright students what’s 1-1

Student: oh I got it -0
Teacher: This kids goin places πŸ˜‚

by LutionsForever December 30, 2022

26πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Its an angry mustachio'd man. Don't f with him, he bites. Hard, like a shark.

Steven - Dude, whats good?

Gabe - >;^{0

Steven - Oh no! I'm outta here

by SnoopNubbyNub January 25, 2010

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


It is a more active way to wave. Originally masterminded by players playing online video games.

Look at it and try and see a person holding up his hand to wave.

*Quenodius has logged on*
Quenodius says: 0/
Stella says: 0/

by Quenodius July 15, 2008

20πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


a yawning face that i made up

i am cool. bow down to me. i made the Β―0Β― face

by the Β―0Β―er June 28, 2005

58πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


The opposite of 100%. Nope. No. Not happening.

"do you like Jimmy"


"do I have a chance with you?"


"you got my back right??"


by aligni April 12, 2021

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž