The monsters come out at 12:07
Omg fuck it’s 12:07. That’s scary
You are an amazing person <3 Intresting and loyal , you had to cut off people but now you are good , and you like tim burton☕️
Im born on 07 april and im a masturbating dude
You are the most amazing person to be found and the most funny. You prob like coraline <3
I will fuck your dad on 07 april.
07/19/22 is a day where real soulmates are supposed to meet. They might have some rough patches and might even break up but they will forever only love each other and will always find there way back. So don’t undervalue your significant other
Having a mindset as though you are still living in 2007. Listening to music from 2007, watching movies from 2007, keeping up with "current events" from 2007, etc.
Person 1: "Bro, I can't wait for Ratatouille to come out next week"
Person 2: "Dude, what do you mean? That came out in 2007."
Person 1: " I'm just trying to live with an 07 Philosophy"
Konstantinos the pap 07 has a YouTube channel making awesome music! He has accidentally put in his name Ofaial over Official
Kostadinos The Pap 07, Kai pername kala, vgazontas videa polla, yeah
A day for the birth of people who get up to much 'sexual intercouse'. These people have been pulling women from birth. Quite small in height, fat cock.
Person 1: "I was born on 08/07/06"
Person 2: "That's why you were so good in bed!"