Its I love you. But like its 1 - I and then the 43 resembles a sideways heart.
11👍 112👎
When you love someone so much…
You can’t explain it…
You’ve tried and tried
You can only show them…
My heart breaks…
Because I cannot… but
I will…
143… someday❤️
242👍 200👎
Numerical representation of "I Hate You", based on the number of letters in each word. 143 on its own means "I Love You", but the negative sign in front of this changes "love" to "hate".
Screw you for sending me that last message. -143
122👍 78👎
1) song by Stray Kids
2) means 'i love you'
"stay, case 143 <3"
1= "I" (because it has one letter)
4= "LOVE" (because it has 4 letters)
3= "YOU" (because it has 3 letters)
8= eight letters
3= three words
1= one meaning
used in texting, im-ing..... etc.
250👍 45👎