Day where you tell someone you like, or want, and they must give you a creampie.
Her: Hey, do you know what April 22 is?
Him: No, why?
Her: April 22, National Creampie Me Day!
Him: Awesome!
(Then he gives her a creampie)
Touch your crush. A high five, etc.
Hey! Did you know April 22 is touch your crush day. You can touch your crush on April 22, Touch Your Crush Day.
The day of reckoning may come are you prepared for April 22 2021
national love vy day ! be nice & give attention to ppl named vy on this day :D
I love being nice to vy! April 22 should be everyday
National couples anniversary day
Maya: babe did you know it's our anniversary today?
Callum: omg is it April 22?
Callum:happy anniversary my love
Racist joke day
*say racist jokes when not supervised
Person1: Guess what day it is (April 22)
Change your Instagram at to your crushes
Guy 1- dude it’s april 22 I have to change my insta Handel to my crush name
Guy 2- but you have a girlfriend
Guy 1- shitty