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(April 25) national slap your teacher day!

today/next time is your lucky day YOU GET TO SLAP YOUR TEACHER!!!
if you're teacher gives you homework slap them. :3

i slap my teacher when we had a Math test (April 25) national slap your teacher day!

by Obama UwU suzy baka April 25, 2022

APRIL 25 2024

The day when CW Flash S1 is destined to vanish in crisis on infinite earths in the original Harrison Wells timeline where he kills Barry's mom Nora. Today is the day!!!


by bright x brite April 25, 2024

25 April 2022

National Hold Hands with a person from the opposite gender for at least 5 minutes.

Him: "Why are you holding my hand?"
Her: "You don't know? it's National Hold Hands day!! "

It's 25 April 2022!!

by useridgafboutjail April 22, 2022