You may never talk to another bros girl even if she is fine with it
Nah bro bro code page 67 paragraph 3 rule 3
Bob gaming 67 is a youtube channel notorious for being an enemy of many roblox restaurant/cafes/hotel groups with him somehow getting access to roblox groups secret documents and spamming them ingame.
Bro just pulled a
bob gaming 67
It means trolling roblox groups relentlessly.
"I'm so bored and I've already tried all the other combinations so I'm going to try ~!23$%67*(0-+QweRTyuIOp}|asDFghJKl;"ZxcVBnm<>/."
"Did you hear about Scary Fact #67?"
"Apparently, there is a France.?
"There is a France? Impossible."
67 plus is a go to figure when you’re trying to rip someone off. The plus meaning ‘plus VAT’
Used a lot by wanna be builders.
‘Mark, you’ve had that digger on hire for 4 months now - doesn’t matter. 67plus innit’
‘How much for this small extension.... erm.... (slight look of inbredness with nothing apparent happening inside the brain’ ... I reckon 67 plus’
- all commanding and subsequent officers and platoons must cease collaboration with allies; the clone wars marathon has officially begun. all troopers are to stand down until ordered to do so.
General Skywalker: “Rex, you got my back?”
Rex: “I’m sorry sir, I must execute Order 67”