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november 9th 2023

A day when 2 people fell in love! There love will last forever and ever.❤️

P.S. love you babes

Hailey and Ryan started dating on November 9th 2023

by Theguywatchingyouinyoursleep July 9, 2024

9th of november

9 of november is suck your middle finger day

--why are yopu sucking your middle finger
-- its the 9th of november duuhh
-- oh ye i forgot
--ahhh tastes delicious

by helenxxx November 9, 2022

November 9th

The day you are allowed to prank and roast all of your friends.

I told her she's stupid because it's November 9th.

by Skyla321 October 27, 2019

November 9th

National hug people named Ian day, feel free to crush their organs

Ian: ew wtf are your doing?
Person: crushing your organs
Ian: bro what the hell
Person: It’s November 9th

by TheDickBandit November 7, 2021

November 9th

National Slap Isabella day.
Isabella is mean
Slap her

Bro is that isabella?

Yeah bro its november 9th you know what that means!

by Boubah November 7, 2019

November 9th

November 9th is nostalgia day! It's where you dress up in old clothing and do old things you did previously.

Boyfriend: Hey babe, Why are you wearing your old dress?
Girlfriend: Babe! It's November 9th!
Boyfriend: Oh no! I'll be back.

by cloversome gaysome November 9, 2021

November 9th

This is national push moriah off a bridge day

Hey moriah it’s November 9th
Moriah - shit

by Zendagreat November 6, 2023