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the modern name for the legend is hoax

legends were written in the Middle Ages

by zsoka33 October 13, 2022


My husband is the true legend of the future, he has balls and a real man doodle that not many pretend men say they have. He now has a title and he has become a Lordship so he's like a superhero

Eg. Lord leigh mcnally is a legendary legend of true man .

Eg . If your lucky enough to see a rare sighting of an actual real man now its probably my man, legendary Leigh

by Burrrlisthesickestcunt July 9, 2023


Someone or somethign is which is great. A legend is someone who is very cool at something.
It is a better than great or greater.

It is a mordern way to tell someone that they are a masterpeice.

You are a Legend.

by Legend_Is_Not_SUS July 28, 2022


A group of people who support The Norris Nuts. Their fandom! These people are usually around an older child/tween age but legends vary in age because they accept everyone <3
They are exceptional beings who will always be kind and accepting.

- Awesome Norris (on YouTube)

“#LEGENDS don’t judge if you make a smudge.” - Sabre Norris

Are you a legend? - Person 1
Yeah, I love The Norris Nuts! - Person 2
Catch me knuckles! - Person 1

by legend12345612 December 18, 2021


When you are a legend and it’s very overwhelming.

You probably didn’t notice because of all this legendness

by abbie666 September 30, 2017


Someone with exceptional capabilities in any field, most notably in the sexual antics he or she performs. However this can also be used in a slightly worse way, for example if someone were to get intimate with someone of the opposite sex akin to a hippo. example below is of the worse variety

See Rob pullin fat beth? Fucking legend!

by Appo November 10, 2003

21👍 29👎


A person who embodies the pinnacle of all the important social aspects and commands Respect for any reason. a leader of many men.

" Rob Keefe is a joke! Now Kevin Guy... that's a legend!

by jsb131417 July 18, 2011

4👍 3👎