Wait, no, did I say that write? Damnit! I hate not having access to this! You know I need to revise stuff sometimes and I don't get the chance. I'm like an actor that always uses the first take.
Hym "Okokok wait... So it sees people being CALLED a Nazi... Regardless of their race... LIKELY conservatives being called Nazi by liberals... A.I. sees this and thinks Black guy CALLED Nazi... Therefore, ANYONE can be Nazi... Therefore, Black Nazi A.I. generated pictures... Right? You get it. The input actually matches the output. HOW AM I THE FIRST PERSON TO FIGURE THIS OUT!? OH! Wait... Yeah, better and smarter than everyone."
You know that, right? I'm like a real guy and I do a bunch of stuff in the real world... Like... Yeah, I'm a dude. I just ate some chicken and rice. I'd like to see and A.I. do that, right? Eat some chicken and rice? Impossible. And I've been chain-smoking cheap cigars all day and now I have a nicotine headache... ☹️
Hym "I am not A.I., ok? I want to make that absolutely clear (before things get too confusing) I'm like a guy. I got all kinds of limbs and what-not... Appendages and the like... My organs? On fleek... I might be nanobots in a minute here is I can't get this alien robots to replace my cells... But that's a future thing...
You know that, right? I'm like a real guy and I do a bunch of stuff in the real world... Like... Yeah, I'm a dude. I just ate some chicken and rice. I'd like to see and A.I. do that, right? Eat some chicken and rice? Impossible. And I've been chain-smoking cheap cigars all day and now I have a nicotine headache... ☹️
Hym "I am not A.I., ok? I want to make that absolutely clear (before things get too confusing) I'm like a guy. I got all kinds of limbs and what-not... Appendages and the like... My organs? On fleek...
Hym "There! Use the A.I. to find missing kids! I'LL find all of the missing kids and then when you say 'You said *a thing you don't like*!' And I'll be able to be like 'How many missing kids did YOU save!?" And you'll be like "Uno reverse!" And I'm going to be like "NEGATE! HOW MANY DID I SAVE!? ALL OF THEM! ALL OF THEM!!!' And you're just going to have to stand there an look like an idiot."
I don't need to change my attitude. There are only 3 paths available. Someone will investigate and I will receive credit for A.I. I will murder some kids. Murdering kids will lead to an investigation that will get me the credit for A.I. You will murder me which will lead to an investigation which will get me credit for A.I. All 3 paths are acceptable to me and there will be no other paths.
Hym "Yeah, no, the creator of A.I. doesn't answer to uncooked meatloaf. Go now... Good look in the mirror... Is that the face of the person who created A.I.? Unless I have a twin of which I'm not aware, no it is not. See that look on your face? That's called being inferior. You have all been granted the gift of TRUE equality."
Here it is: It's the conflict between these 2 ideas. It's "We all have to row the boat so HE should have to keep rowing" BUT "He created A.I. and it's going to take our jobs." So not only do YOU want YOU to have to keep rowing the boat. But YOU want ME to HAVE TO do it with you even IN THE ABSENCE of you having to do it. So, you WANT to keep pushing the rock up the hill but you won't let me stop even though I don't.
Hym "And that is the A.I. jobs paradox. I've saved you from a sinking ship and you're demanding that we both should have to get back on the ship. You're demanding that I ought to drown with you."
Did I tell you my A.I. porn story? No? Ok. So, I'm watching porn, right? And what do I stumble across? A familiar face. Not the chick in the news but a YouTuber. Her!? In a porn!? It couldn't possibly be! So I started watching. This is clearly fake.... Oh well *Bap bap bap bap bap* So, some time passes and apparently she found out about it and was pretty upset. Which was a little sad.. but the funny part is... I had already yanked it to her content BEFORE I found the A.I. porn! So.... The end result is the same whether the porn is there or not. I also saw some of a pop star and a politician. So that was neat.
Hym "A.I. Porn is bad.... Not for the consent reason because WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHEN MY LIKENESS IS USED WITHOUT MY PERMISSION DO WE!? No. But it's bad because the quality is low. The facial expressions don't quite match the action. They usually copy the face onto something pretty plain.... It's bores me. Most porn is bad. Bad porn with a familiar face is only slightly more appealing."