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A kid that is super nice, has a giant dick, and will make everybody laugh. He is the kid that girls love, guys are friends with, and people wish their dick was that big.

Oh abel made me laugh so hard, then we made love.

by prettykindacoolguy October 13, 2011

648๐Ÿ‘ 241๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.) A person who is willing to diligently handle a task.
2.) The second son of Adam and Eve. The son who offered a gift to God, and this gift was better than his brother's gift.

Levani: But who can handle this?
Abel: You know I can do it.

by Abel March 21, 2005

588๐Ÿ‘ 266๐Ÿ‘Ž


out going, man whore, knows what say to get the woman, parents love him

damn abel please come again;D

by juan mode June 21, 2011

310๐Ÿ‘ 138๐Ÿ‘Ž


abel is a guy that is sweet and down to earth he is a guy you can call a butthole to and he wil still love you


me :stupid face

by bloodyracoon February 4, 2016

25๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


a black african who stands for wakanda also likes the girls named diana. He usually like them big anime titties. He is what they call a master batter.


by hentaigod34 May 16, 2018

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


abel is cute good looking most likely going to end up with some that starts with a N and with Y abel is a king

one person says. ah look at abel so good lokking
second girl yeah

by king abel September 14, 2019

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Abbas + Adelle = Abelle
Abelle is one of the best ships to ever exist!

Person 1: Hey what do you think about Abelle?
Person 2: It's awesome!

Person 3: It's the best
Abbas and Adelle in unison: NO IT'S NOT!

by SRMSBMGFR February 13, 2019