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A pretty fly chick, she's super hott and she's the bestest in the world. She loves to party, pretty much the description of every guys' dreamgirl.

Yo man, i wish i had Addie, she's super sexy.

by Big SON SON June 12, 2008

999πŸ‘ 298πŸ‘Ž


a short version of the word address

ayy what’s the addy me and the gang pulling up to grandmas for cookies and milk after se- i mean a nap

by hey buddy 111 June 6, 2021

79πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


to be under the influence of the a.d.d. medicine adderol for other purpose than taking your prescription.

yo im all addied up, time to study

by addie March 10, 2005

25πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Preferred stimulant that an avetard consumes to try to pass his exam. It will be supplied by Froomie and the avetards will go stoopid after popping only half a tab.

Henry: "Dude I'm so stressed about this exam, I don't think I will graduate from TardU"
Froomie: "I gotchu bro, just pop an addy and come with me to study"

by TurnM3Up December 6, 2019

308πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž


The best person you can ever hope to meet she never will put herself before anyone she got the best personality in the whole world in fact she is what this world should be and if I could spend my whole life with one person it would an Addi.

And the winner of Personality contest is… Addi Duncan

by Addi is hot 4 ever June 30, 2019

90πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Addie is a whole lot of beauty in a small body. She's usually short and small but very athletic. She is a very loyal friend, and will always love you. Do not ever lose Addie in your life.

Addie is my best and most beautiful friend.

by ._Saigon_. January 11, 2017

83πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Addi is an amazing person. She is loving and a smoking hot person! She's not that nice to some people though. Addi doesn't realize that there is a friend of hers who really likes her and wants to be really close but Addi doesn't realize that. Addi should open up more to her friends and spend more time with them.

Hey why you so happy?

I was just with Addi

by What's up April 14, 2017

131πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž