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You're adopted!

A comeback without much reason behind it besides random shock/bewilderment value. It is similar in usage to "You're Face!" or other random things that can be said as a comeback.

NOTE: This comeback is however tricky to use as saying it to a person who IS indeed adopted would be in very bad taste.

NOTE: This term is best used to friends or people you know are not adopted.

Person #1: "I don't understand why you would do that. That has to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard of a person doing!"

Person #2: "Shut up, you're adopted!"

Person #1: I am adopted, you monster!

Person #1: Oh! Well... I... uh...

by TheLightDreamer June 27, 2012

24πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

reverse Adoption

When a Chinese person adopts a white child. Contrary to the usual white adopting a chinese child.

Those children where from reverse adoption.

by ni2k December 31, 2011

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

you're adopted

one of the funniest comebacks ever.
sort of like "your mom" or "your face"

but be sure to not actually say it an
adopted kid. they might take offense.

Lexi: That's a really heinous picture of you, Emily.

by Super Ninja January 8, 2008

76πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Adopt Me!

Adopt me! (what I like to call it is Scam Me! or Trade Me) is a Roblox game that used to be about roleplaying. Now all you do is stand till in the middle of the city and flex your mega neon sparkling dorito dust golden shadow dragon. You also buy overpriced pets that cost 1000 Robux each every Xmas and Halloween just to trade it away and never use them. It wont be worth as much as pets that came out a few years before. The only excuse is because their older. I wonder how it got to this point. The only other thing kids do in the game is scam.

Devs: *Adds a limited overpriced pet.*

8 year old: *logs on to Adopt Me! Buys pet using mommy's credit card.*

Scammer: hey wanna trust trade I will give you a mega owl (I dont know why we cant just use the trade feature in the game) all you have to do is give me the new pet.

8 year old: Ok *gives pet.*

Scammer: here's you mega owl *in trade* haha get scammed dont trust a stranger just because you want a creepy looking owl.

8 year old: Noooooooo :(

by Tasty Chips February 25, 2022

Adopt Me

somehow the most popular game on roblox, because it attracts seven year olds who want to get a boner

adopt me daddy

by iTookAHarSHIT October 15, 2020

58πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Adopt me

A shitty game on roblox where u get scammed jus so stupid neons or pets

My friends sister can’t stop playing adopt me!

by hamburger2020 November 27, 2020

41πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


(v.) to pick up something from a lost-and-found that isn't yours to use. Return optional.

I forgot my eraser, so I lost-and-adopted one.

by cutesy pastel living doll June 12, 2014