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adj. describes something or someone that is goofy or nerdy but adorable at the same time

The character Hiro on the t.v. show "HEROES" is adorkable.

by Natasha and Jason September 20, 2008

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A person who is so adorable, but they are a dork (in a good way)

My asian friend in Alg2 (They don't let me name real people other than celebs) who is adorkable! {Hope this works} Cherry.

by RAWR-OR the dinosaurus May 26, 2009

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An adjective that describes a person that is both adorable and dorky. For example, Darren Criss.

Oh my gosh! Darren Criss is so adorkable!

I've never seen someone as adorkable as Darren Criss!

Darren Criss *is* the definition of adorkable!

by Emma Carstairs August 31, 2018


Someone who is a dork, but at the same time is adorable. Someone who you want to have around.

Michelle: You are so adorkable. I want you in my life.

by addorkable June 10, 2015


A person or object who is adorable and also a dork or are doing something that is geekish to make them adorable. (Silly, cute, nice)

this guy's adorkable

by leviathxn April 10, 2015


A socially inept person who still is still desired by possible mates.

Sure, he bench presses Volvos but he also has a Hello Kitty collections. He's so adorkable.

by Bill McSciFi December 6, 2016


A small girl dorky girl that you want to bite

B thinks that D is soooo adorkable

by JLeoH December 20, 2016