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Ajit Pai

The act of cutting off your own pubes to make a wig

Did you see Courtney's hair, It looks like a real Ajit Pai

by daddysucc123 July 21, 2019

Ajit Pai

Someone who is made using the following ingredients: 1 Gallon of Mr. Grinch, 1 Gallon of Patrick Star, and 2 Gallons of Scrooge,

Zach: Have you heard of the 3 Ajit Pais?

Kent: You mean Ajit Pai(duh!), Michael O'Rielly, and Brendan Carr? Yeah, I have they are extremely greedy bois. Though, I think your ingredients are too little!

Zach: Yeah, their idiocy doesn't deserve words.

by ForNetNeutrality February 22, 2018

Ajit Pai

You must pay your Internet Service Provider $15 to see this definition.

"Ajit Pai is a great man" - Comcast

by Communist Wombat December 23, 2017

Ajit pai

The small bits of peeling skin removed from your foot after a long day.

"Sally anne left bits of her ajit pai on the bathroom sink again"

by Dicktshonarie February 15, 2022