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She is a weirdo with a pig who has a beautiful best friend she likes a vegetable


by ...hehehhe May 6, 2020


This girl could be the worlds kindest person or a arrogant hoe

OMG! Allegra you’re not funny

by April 20, 2024


An Allegra is a lively and crazy spirited girl who’s unpredictable. Allegras are independent thinkers, they do their own thing but love to be around people and positive energy: they value inclusivity, feminism, they fight for animal rights and love. They love to be around people who are unapologetically themselves, just like them.

Allegras are beautiful and see the world differently due to their innate creativity: if you found an Allegra you’re lucky!! They are pretty rare!

Allegra has the best energy and it’s so contagious! Yesterday we spent the day together and I never new what was going to happen next: she’s so spontaneous!

by Allison_24 November 21, 2021


Allegra is someone when at times can be a good friend, but beware she will stab you in the back on multiple occasions. It is better off to stay away from allegras considering their name is an allergy medicine....

I used to be friends with her but she was a total Allegra

by Person11222 April 21, 2019