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American Football

A stupid game for twats who are too pussy to play rugby. The players wear major protective gear so they don't mess up their 'perfect' hair and bend over pretending to throw the ball through their legs while another player stands behind them and gives them anal. There's nothing wrong with gays but there's a time and a place to be bumming a guy.

Guy 1: "Hey, do you want to play American Football?"
Guy 2: "Oh, sorry mate, I'm not gay"

by its stupid June 12, 2010

66๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Football

Huge blokes running around in tights with a shitload of armor.

The pads are apprently used to protect 300 lb men from 300 lb men. Seems silly really. Whats the difference between that and a 200lb men hitting 200lb men. They seem to pull it off downunder in that AFL game and rugby.

Somehow named "Football" when the entire game consists of throwing and tackling with the occasional "Foot to ball" contact.

Game follows a distinct pattern. "4 seconds of gameplay, 30 seconds of ads, 20 seconds of commentators rambling crap... 4 seconds of gameplay" etc etc etc

Seems to collect large crowds of men who would rather watch big men in tights then spend some time having fun with their family.

"Wow did you see that awesome sequence of ads the other day, swear i caught a climpse of men in tights"

"I could help my son with his school project that means something, instead im going to go to "The Game" and drink my self silly with other men who prefer to be away from their loved ones"

"Wow, American Football is very cool, ask Miley Cyrus"

by McLovin/Squeak November 1, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

american football

Ok I play football and you clearly have no idea the dificulty of the sport its probably because you guys are too big of pansys to actually play. rugby isnt has good becuase euorpeans play it and they are all weak pansys if my man TK who weighs 250 lbs squats 400 n benchs 350 hits you you aint gunna be moving and his wussy "pads" are going to become a weapon. Football requires extreme endurence becuase we were those "wussy" the trap in body eat making us hotter and more dehydrated but there are no brakes for water the NFL is the only thing with commercial brakes,assholes

TK plays american football and he sall a rugby player the rugby player is now in the hospital

by EuropeansCanSuckMyBalls July 18, 2006

72๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

american football

Like an american version of rugby. Less spontaneous but involves more strategy. There are some monsters that play in the game but it seems as if some of the big guys are just trained to do one thing. As for people going on about Ray Lewis and how hard, strong etc he is, its stupid to say which sport (rugby or american football) has bigger players because look at England's Andrew Sheridan for example - weighs 262 pounds (18 odd stone) bench presses 475 pounds - and believe me theres plenty more big guys like him. I would absolutely love to see american football players play rugby and vice versa - i think rugby players would struggle mainly cos of how technical the game is - i also think american footy players would be surprised at how tough the game is - theyd certainly feel the hits - specially in a league game. Its easier to play dirty in rugby union though (ie stamping, punching etc). In reality the games are so different its hard to compare - but what the hell i like rugby - and i reckon its a tougher more intense game to play (both codes - specially league)

US-european fags play soccer and rugby but american football is so tough
english-i think youd find, without the aid of steroids that rugby players are tougher although maybe not as dynamic (some of the NFL guys are amazingly quick and agile etc)

by bentothep September 29, 2006

40๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Football

The reason why American Football is called American Football is because it is mainly played in AMERICA. "Oh yeha, I'ma brit and american football is so ghey" Well guess what, YOUR COUNTRY DOSN'T EVEN PLAY IT, SO HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU JUDGE IT!? How many Americans do you see going to the cricket page and talking about how much they hate it? Hardly any, because we really don't watch or play cricket in america. How many americans go on the Rugby page and talk about how much they hate that? Again, hardly any although all those Ignorant europeans just seem to love to talk about how Football isn't as "hard" as Rugby. You know what? I've never seen a Rugby game, played it, or hardly know much about it, so I'm not going to spout of about how much I hate it like all the other ignorant europeans. You guys seriesly need to just 1.) Fuck off and start obsessing over you soccer, rugby, cricket shit rather than going on to Urban Dictionary so you can talk about how much you hate a sport your country does not even play or 2.) Actually watch/play/learn the damn game before you fucking judge!

Ignorant Person: American Football is full of fat people

American: Not True. Football players have been know to be able to lift over 300 lb. repeatidly, all that is muscle

Ignorant Person: Football contains no strategy

American: Not True, Football is the most strategic game on earth which is the reason dumbass Jocks never make it to the NFL

Ignorant Person: Soccer is the best sport because it's the most popular

American: Not true, Soccer is the most popular sport because any third-world country can play it becuase it only requires a ball and a net

Ignorant Person: Football is for pussys, Rugby Rules

American: Not True, although I have not seen a rugby game before, I know for a fact that football is more hard hitting because 1) In early football years with no pads, football deaths were extremely common and 2) Rugby deaths are not common

Ignorant Person: Football is a gay name for a game that you catch balls with you hands

American: Not True, early football (Which was a LOT like rugby) Players only ran with their feet. In an attempt to make the game more exciting they incorperated passing the ball. While I do admit that calling it football is stupid nowadays, what else would you call it, throwball? Runball? Crossbarball? Hitball? All those names suck.

Ignorant Person: Football is basterdized rugby

American: Not True, The games are VERY different from what I heard. Like in football you can pass the ball, in Rugby (I don't belive) you can't forword pass

Ignorant Person: Soccer pwns Americna Football

American: Soccer is far to flawed a system for it to be legitimitly compared to any other sport. The fact that this game contains no overtime, flawed whole points system, goal differentials and the sheer tedium of the sport makes it hands down the worst sport I ever saw. But that's just me.

Ignorant Person: Players are to stupid to know how to attack AND Defend

American: If I were to put offensive players in defence football would be a worthless sport to watch. It would consist of NO defence since players of defence are 10x as strong than players on offence (Excluding O-Linemen) It'd basicly be a game of pitch and catch, it'd be stupid and boring

So there you go, anseres to all your ignorant questions you europeans...

by Cards in 06 August 28, 2006

147๐Ÿ‘ 182๐Ÿ‘Ž

american football

A sport played chiefly in the United States that requires more strength, speed, toughness, memorization, and training than any other sport... but is still boring as shit to watch. As big of a challenge to play as it is to sit through as a spectator.

Football Retard: American Football is the greatest sport ever because it's harder hitting than rugby! Europeans aren't as strong as Americans, so they play soccer!

Non-Boring Person: True, but soccer and rugby are also physically demanding and 10x better spectator sports that don't have constant anti-climactic stoppages in play, so nobody cares.

by Chernorizets Hrabr October 10, 2007

58๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

american football

A great sport, extremely physically demanding. Many of you foreigners keep talking about how it must not hurt because there are pads, you clearly have not played the sport. I'd like to see you guys playing linebacker with a hugeass fullback coming straight at you. Without helmets, american football would be just stupid to play, especially at the line. In America, we have a name for all of you types of people saying things like "Americans are pansys," maybe you've heard of it. "Racist."

Rugby and American Football, while similar are two different sports, stop acting like they are exactly the same.

by theparkmanghost September 18, 2005

61๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž