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Steal Everything!Dumpster Everything!Demand Everything!Freedom for EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE! Consent for all!

Illegalism is Resurrecting!

Anarchist looking to fund anti-government stuff: Give me your wallet rich fat capitalist pig!

Rich fat capitalist pig: okay, just...just don't hurt me.

Anarchist looking to fund anti-government stuff: you're the reason for so much pain and suffering, and you'll never even know.

by Emma Goldstar October 28, 2008

19๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž


An anarchist is one who does not believe in the idea of a social contract that our founding fathers wanted for this country. This meant that we gave up some of our absolute freedom in exchange for order. However, the founding fathers did not anticipate how much power the government has gained when they created the neccesary and proper clause. Personally, I believe the government should remosve extremely restrictive laws such as the USA Patriot Act, and return to its overstepped boundaries, but I do not believe in its abolition. So be a little bit more moderate, all of you!

Two anarchists go into a subway station, then they tag everything.

by wannabeflea February 2, 2005

25๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž


it means no government

"XXX" was all about the want for anarchy!

by p murda December 14, 2004

12๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž

conservative anarchist

One who has literal conservative values and objectives, but is intelligent enough to self govern through anarchism.

Note: This person is not concerned with the standard Ideals of the American "conservative" party. Eg: Anti-abortion, Christian/religious, anti-gay, pro-gun.

Although they can incorporate these ideals into their personal political structure even if they are not in fact literally conservative.

The conservative anarchists didn't waste resources, nor did they require a governmental entity to have a successful society. Less waste and more money and resources saved by all the conservative anarchists, was spent to fund education and science instead of a millionaire politicians yacht collection.

by xlioilx July 13, 2012

32988๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

conservative anarchist

One who opposes the state and all government control, whilst remaining socially conservative. Conservative anarchists oppose state coercion but do not necessarily object to a naturally occuring hierarchy in certain social situations, e.g. religious institutions.

Conservative anarchists might-
oppose abortion, drug use and pornography.
support a traditional family structure and gun rights.

Likely to be, but not necessarily, religious. Often Christian, taking inspiration from the Christian community in Acts.

Tend to favour property rights, but does not necessarily take a strong position. As such, conservative anarchists are not to be confused with anarcho-capitalists.

by rebel_conservative January 17, 2008

33105๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž

Armchair Anarchist

Person of the 'alternative society' bent who would claim a desire to 'smash the system'. Their chosen means of smashing the aforesaid system would be to get really drunk and/or stoned and mouth-off raucously and belligerently to those already aware of our non-working class hero's political ideology, usually to the strains of seriously non-commercial underground sounds.
Revolution from the comfort of one's easy chair.

Andy knew that this government was fucked-up and he knew just what needed to be done; 'seize power! overthrow! Yeah! Class war! Whose turn is it to skin-up then?'
He's just an armchair anarchist.

by Dogload January 23, 2007

57๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who can is partly against form all government.

Luna: I heard that you are semi-anarchist
Alex: yes

Luna: So you are not fully anti-government

by Ginger The Chamrosh February 3, 2021