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Sports announcer

Somebody that might one day say something that might backfire while trying to play up to somebody's ego.

The fans wanted to see their home team win the game, but even the most die hard fans were saying Would you stop sucking the guy's dick? to the announcer after he called the athlete the Cock of the Walk. Yeah, the guy isn't getting paid to say nothing, but even if he wants the world to know how attractive he thinks the guy is, why would he do it in a sports arena? That's as bad as proposing at a sports arena or stadium. People watching the game are watching the same game as the sports announcer, they don't need everything inflated to excess or done to excess to enjoy a game.

by Solid Mantis March 27, 2021

Unknown Announcer

Some Announcer in a video game, commercial and other,who is never known.

Unknown Announcer in a McDonald's Commercial: Here comes Ronald McDonald!
Ronald McDonald: it's a good-
Guy 1: (closes the tv) Who is that announcer?
Guy 2: i dont know, I guess he's an unknown announcer.

by Malleo Malleo September 2, 2022

All American announcer

An announcer that talks about basketball like it's boxing or something else. Though guys getting knocked out with a basketball would make an interesting sport, they don't have one like that yet, so you're either watching the basketball game everyone else is watching or you're watching a noxing match, because if you're trying to watch both at the same time while announcing one or the other, you're fucking with people's heads that are watching.

The All American announcer was talking about being able to feel that hit from up in his/her booth and how it cleaned out his sinuses, even though it wasn't a football game he was talking about, it was a basketball game.

by Solid Mantis April 14, 2021