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A person, or group of people who reject vaccines or do NOT believe in them! Many reasons could be used for their beliefs, but most them stem for religious, fearful, reasons etc.

Lorelai is an anti-vaxxer. She refuses to vaccinate her children!

by loverb0yy April 15, 2021

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Anti Vaxxer

A conspiracy nut preying on uninformed parents.

Endangering the lives of their children and the lives of others as well.

Often believes his or her child was "damaged" by vaccines.

Natural selection is proven by anti vaxxers

by GiveAGoForLife September 12, 2019

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Anti Vaxxer

One of the dumbest people around. They believe a vaccine has enough stuff to kill you, or that they plant robots in you to track you.

โ€œOh brother, I just had another argument with an anti vaxxer

by new_guy_at_the_job June 8, 2019

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1. A person who opposes vaccinations despite scientific evidence. Often associated with a fear that they cause autism.

2. Slang for someone who refuses to acknowledge obvious facts because they're contrary to their preconceptions.

Those stupid anti-vaxxers have brought back previously defeated illnesses like measles and mumps all over the country.

Did you hear Jill try to argue that Ken Ham won the debate with Billy Nye? She's such a delusional Anti-vaxxer!.

by Obie Wan Kenobie August 30, 2015

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Someone who exaggerates or flat-out lies about their child's reaction to vaccines to show how AWAKE they are and to seek sympathy on social media. Also see: narcissistic, pathological liar.

This anti-vaxxer claimed her daughter's cavities were due to the vaccines that Big Pharma gave her. Then I found out she doesn't even HAVE a daughter!

by Sgt Schultz September 3, 2015

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A person who believes celebrities who cry about toxins in vaccines but still inject botox into their face know more about the entire body of scientific literature than the people who have performed *actual research*.

I was talking to Pete the other day and he was trying to convince me Jenny McCarthy knows what she's talking about when it comes to vaccines. My poor friend has become an anti-vaxxer.

by Fuzzynubbins October 11, 2015

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A person opposed to vaccinations, but usually claims to be 'pro-choice'.

An anti-vaxxer can be distinguished by their excessive use of caps lock and memes comparing vaccination to rape, Nazis and/or murder.

I am not an anti-vaxxer, I'm pro-choice.

by John T Smith September 4, 2015

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