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B S music

B S music = 'buy something' , or; bullshit !! the obligatory "music" one can NEVER ESCAPE !!
played eternally @ sports arenas and places of trade. marketeers seem to feel SOME sort of variety of "tunage"
is DE RIGUER !! , and loosens the resistance to parting with $$$$ !! - that people are SCARED of dead QUIET !!
SOMETHING MUST be polluting the air, ALWAYS !!

'prescribing' probably 70+ years of music for people of ALL ages ?? i really don't think so !!

nick and scott @ peter eaters game: nick: I HATE this ditty !! scott: that's the B S music !! , let's go and get some DUNG WRAPS !!

tv: the B S music on that commercial casts a dark pall over my normally sunny personality

i went into the walgreen's store @ christmas, and heard NO B S music !! i was; HUHH ??

the urban dict. editor 'bumped' my def. , then was TORTURED by B S music while shopping @ foolsley's !!
i've ALWAYS had 'trouble' with this tune ! , thought he/she...

by May 20, 2024

B&S design

B&S designe for business.

B&S design is a design company in Alexandria V.A business development firm.

by June 7, 2024


B-s means Best sex


by notweirddude July 2, 2019