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Baby Bird Feeding

Baby Bird Feeding (BBF) is the act of a man ejaculating into a woman’s mouth which she in return spits back into his mouth. In similar fashion of a mother bird feeding one of her babies.

Damn Blake is really into Baby Bird Feeding...he’s kinda sus.

by Yvng Pablo April 22, 2021

baby bird cpr

The act of using ones thumb to press on the anal cavity in repititions of 15 to 1. Press the brown star 15 times and then blow on it once creating a sound simular to blowing on the top of a empty soda bottle.

Jamie's butt looks tense she could use some Baby Bird CPR.

Honey while you are tossing my salad can i get some BBCPR

by droby1242 March 8, 2013

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Baby Bird Skin

Someone who is so light skinned, that they are almost translucent much like a baby bird.

Michael is so white that I can see his veins, he's a real baby bird skin.

by CocoSantango September 19, 2010

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

baby bird shot

One person takes a shot but doesn't swallow it. They then spit the shot into the mouth of the player receiving the baby bird shot.

guy 1: Bro last night Edward got so fucked up he did a baby bird shot
guy 2: Gross, who was the mama bird?
guy 1: It was Adam
guy 2: Damn, his brother?
guy 1: yep

by YourDadHannibal November 18, 2020

alabama baby bird

when you're kissing someone, intentionally vomitting into their mouth.

me and bobby was makin' out the other day, and i totally alabama baby birded him. snap!

by sweatychickpile February 17, 2009

21πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

baby bird hands

Handling someone/something with the upmost care. Being gentle.

Traveling with Rob is such a crapshoot that his delivery needs to be handled with Baby Bird Hands.

by Rehobothboy4life April 20, 2017

1191πŸ‘ 1408πŸ‘Ž

Baby Bird

An old pair of cock and balls which in it's age has lost much of it's pubis and therfore returned to the bare and pink look, much that of baby bird which has just hatched and has yet to open it's eyes.

Jeff Foxworthy said of his older relative wearing short shorts....
"at no time should anyone look over at grandpa and see something that looks like a baby bird".

Did you see in jackass 2 when that guy had a baby bird coming out of his shorts.

by flyingerbils231 June 22, 2007

2πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž