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Project Bex

A totally lit party that takes a lot of careful planning and serves Bex Juice as its specialty drink.

The last Project Bex I was at was the best party ever!

by Bex8522 May 9, 2017

'Doing a Bex'

when a person stupidly throws an electronic device across a room.

James threw his laptop across the room, " what was that!, he was 'doing a Bex'

James threw his phone in anger, 'Oh no i just did a minor Bex

by Bobby blue March 22, 2013

Doctor Bex

One who, by watching it, perpetuates the airing of the reality TV show, the Jersey Shore. Responsible for the deaths of numerous books. Also a Simpson's fan.

Q: Who the heck watches the Jersey Shore, anyway?
A: I hear Doctor Bex can't get enough of Snooki

by Mike B ;& November 17, 2011

sutt bex

the act of shoving ones erect penis into the awaiting anal cavaties of other living creatures

Steven Ober shoved his miniscule penis into the dogs butt

by delana brewer August 3, 2003

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DJ Bex

World class DJ/Promoter playing at raves likes Raindance back in the 90's. During the height of his career he was considering as talented as many of the top DJ's still around today.

Now days DJ Bex performs in Room 2 or 3 during any old skool nights.

World class DJ/Promoter playing at raves likes Raindance back in the 90's. During the height of his career he was considering as talented as many of the top DJ's still around today.

Now days DJ Bex performs in Room 2 or 3 during any old skool nights.

by Slipmatt November 29, 2010

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bex taylor klaus

A hot, sexy woman with great hips and ass. best actress and lesbian you will ever meet ;)

"have you seen scream?"
"what with Bex taylor klaus in it? yes shes so hot!"

by mushroomo May 24, 2017

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Bot hay sutt Bex

Only if you were to know what tf this means

Yo why the fuck are you looking at bot hay sutt bex

by Had to get gat October 30, 2020

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