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victim bragging

Bragging about/feeling superior due to one’s victim status/shitty situation, often times while exaggerating the extent of one’s victim-ness

“I only got six hours of sleep last night, I’m so tired
“Omg you’re tired? I only got two hours last night and three the night before! Yet here I am anyway”
“Dude, quit victim bragging. We can both be tired”

by peanutmilk March 6, 2019

Humble Brag

A form self promotion where the promoter thinks he is, almost subliminally, bragging about himself in the context of a humble statement or complaint. Everyone listening thinks he a jackass.

I am exhausted from my two week vacation to Hawaii. I need a vacation.

Nice Humble Brag, asshole.

by RodStickwell February 25, 2011

795👍 296👎


The act of knowingly and consistently using your Facebook wall to list all your supposed accomplishments and embellish your fabulosity quotient.

Can also apply to all mediums of modern internet communication. (Examples: space-brag (MySpace), tweet-brag (Twitter), etc.

Sadly, I had to delete Marsha from my list of friends on Facebook.

Why? I heard she's living "la vida loca".

Are you kidding me? She's a deli girl at Meier's. Her constant face-brag is unbelievably annoying!

by rankled July 17, 2009

17👍 3👎

Sneak brag

When one pretends to complain about something, when in fact, he is actually trying to brag about it.

Jason, don't whine about how you can't find any skinny jeans to fit you because your penis is too large. It's an obvious sneak brag.

by zingaseat June 16, 2011

32👍 9👎

Weird Brag

A brag that is random, or just weird.

Boy one: My uncle has a huge beach house on the ocean.
Boy two: Weird brag.

by Olive Bush November 15, 2010

Pastor Brag

When a Pastor sneaks something they should or shouldn't be bragging about into a sermon, photo caption, or conversation. Most commonly used as #pastorbrag.

Pastor: Yeah we're going on a four week vacation to Hawaii. Our friends hooked us up with a legit place to stay too, it's where Jimmy Fallon stays when he's on vacation, and where George Clooney spent his second honeymoon.

Friend of Pastor: Whoa dude, that's kinda a Pastor Brag. You should be more humble about your blessings brother.

by usercompany May 3, 2017

Humble brag

When someone tries to sneak in how awesome they are into any kind of conversation hoping you’ll notice how cool they are without them having to tell you

“I woke up a bit sore from an 11 mile hike I did” “WE GET IT YOU HIKE A LOT ENOUGH WITH THE HUMBLE BRAG

by Quit humble bragging April 23, 2019

18👍 5👎