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Brazy means a different kind of crazy , it could really mean any word that starts with B and make it into what you want for example baddie / crazy , bad/ crazy, bozo/crazy really anything

That girl go brazy : baddie, bad , bozo put together with crazy

by Goatedgurl777 October 3, 2021


When something is beyond crazy/ blood way to say crazy.

That fight last night was brazy as hell.

by 6969LMAO December 17, 2019


downright ridiculous; so swanky it's insane

Boy: That test was brazy! It was so hard!
Girl: Beyonce last night was brazy! She was so damn good!

by vanessathephanessa March 9, 2018


To refer to someone who is an annoying little bitchtard and needs to shut the fuck up

Person 1: "Yo bro, i just took a blinkerton on the penjamin 4 times bro"
Person 2: "That's Brazy Bro"

by BigJigglyCheeks March 9, 2023


Wrong and Crazy.

Young beef’s song.

I’m brazy mami

by Hablandoconlamuerte June 21, 2018


like crazy but with a B

guy 1: does a backflip

guy 2: dAaM He GoInG Brazy

by I_Got_Beans June 11, 2021


some cool ass shit or sum crazy shit idk bro give me a break...

CC: Yo bro these prices are brazy!

by Nasty_N3on April 13, 2021