Brazy means a different kind of crazy , it could really mean any word that starts with B and make it into what you want for example baddie / crazy , bad/ crazy, bozo/crazy really anything
That girl go brazy : baddie, bad , bozo put together with crazy
When something is beyond crazy/ blood way to say crazy.
That fight last night was brazy as hell.
downright ridiculous; so swanky it's insane
Boy: That test was brazy! It was so hard!
Girl: Beyonce last night was brazy! She was so damn good!
To refer to someone who is an annoying little bitchtard and needs to shut the fuck up
Person 1: "Yo bro, i just took a blinkerton on the penjamin 4 times bro"
Person 2: "That's Brazy Bro"
like crazy but with a B
guy 1: does a backflip
guy 2: dAaM He GoInG Brazy
some cool ass shit or sum crazy shit idk bro give me a break...
CC: Yo bro these prices are brazy!