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A pretty cool west coast state.

- Not everything is a picture perfect beach like MTV wants you to believe. They have ghettos, deserts, boring suburbs, just like the rest of america. However I've been to La Jolla Beach, San Diego and the water was beautiful, so I'm not saying there are no good beaches, I'm saying that that there is more to the state than beaches.

- I don't get why people from Cali brag about how "ghetto" their state is. Being ghetto isn't a good thing, it means you are more likely to be killed, get an std, and be poor. But a lot of rappers come from California, tupac,dre, snoop dog, e-40, mac dre, etc. so they have contributed to the hip-hop industry

- Not everyone is hot. Yes, there are very beautiful people living in California but be realistic, around 30 million people live there, do you think that every last one of them is hot? Especially since a large number of them are little kids, old people, and fat people.

- I don't get why we have this East Coast Vs. West coast thing. How bout we accept the facts that we have different styles but we both offer a lot of good things? I was born in New York and I don't hate the west coast that would stupid. How can you hate a place just becuase it's not where you live? When people say the East Coast sucks, they're dissing states from Maine to Florida, so your basically dissing America which if your from the west coast is your country as well.

- Yes Illegal immigration is a problem but it's still a problem in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Florida and other states to. I live in New Jersey and we have the same problem so it's not California. Also don't be so harsh, yes Illegal should be documented and put on goverment records but if they wanna work, become Americans, and support their family than good for them.

- Lots of cool cities, San Fran, Oakland, Los Angeles, San Diego.

So overall I love California as a state.

East Coast Vs. West Coast is stupid. California is great and so is New York. America rocks.

by Jersey Kid January 23, 2008

320๐Ÿ‘ 204๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the only places where 65ยฐ weather is considered freezing.

Californian: Omg, it's FREEZING out here.. I'm about to die bro!!
Average Joe: Uh.. It's 65ยฐ ...Get real, "bro."

by BoxersBro October 25, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


the best state ever. it's not exactly like new york - big city yes, but no new england culture or street vendors. (except those hispanic people selling ice cream or those weird tomato chips.) there are a lot of different ethnic groups of people.

in so cal we have the valley (valley girls) and lotsa gangsta people down south. then there are the party people with their weed & acid, those bad things...but don't get me wrong theres lots of cheesy people ....every state has its losers.

there's the beach, the valley, the ghetto places, beverly hills (those rich people), hollywood, and those really camping/mountain-ish places up north. there's also palm springs, the desert.

WEATHER: yeah the summers are hot. compared to the east coast, our winters are pretty weak.

despite common misconceptions, not everyone in california is blonde or surfer.

plus we have the governator.

1. California is my favorite place in the world...my home and i'll never leave

by city lights March 15, 2007

116๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž


The overall attitude is haughtiness with hypocritical and epitomous social abuse. Many of the people are generally good-looking with well kept bodies (thanks to the miracles of plastic surgery) and are active in the outdoors. The people are fake: bodies are more important than the personโ€˜s spirit and character because they believe you are what you look like, as if you were a character in the movies. The people are fake with fake boobs, fake lips, fake cheeks and fake eye lashes. L.A is the โ€œplastic surgery capitalโ€ of the world. Making money, partying and sex is the meaning of life. If you are shallow, arrogant, superficial, materialistic, and have a good body (even if a fake one), think that life is meaningless other than partying (just look at the corrupt Hollywood culture), you'll do well here. If you are looking for a meaningful life filled with good relationships and want to raise a family like me, forget about it. Moving from the Midwest to California may be very difficult for you, due to the culture shock.

The social structure is extrmely corrupt despite their belief of progress and openess: the government is corrupt, schools are corrupt and the police are corrupt. Californians like to think they are progressive and compassionate, but California is not compassionate by any means. The homeless situation is the worst of any state and even being homeless is almost a crime. If you are a Republican or Conservative and appreciate family values, you will be outcast from much of the population, except in Orange County. You can thank the extreme liberalism coming from Hollywood and the Bay Area for that. They think they are progressive, when in fact all they like to do is put in their ignorant two cents. They talk the talk, but canโ€™t walk the walk. You cannot find a more hypocritical culture anywhere.

Californians think their state is the most beautiful in the world (and there is plenty of serenity in the state) and that no other place of natural beauty exists on this planet, and that they are crime-free. What hogwash. Yes, California is very beautiful state with deserts, mountains, beaches and forests. But between all that, California leads the nation in almost everything bad: violent crime, illegal immigration, a growing prison population, drugs, air pollution and an out of control cost of living. So much so that many of its residents are starting to jump ship and move to other states.

California is NOT what it's cracked up to be. I always wanted to live here as a child. I moved here last year and am ready to return to the Midwest because I donโ€™t fit in here: I am Conservative, a registered Republican (even though I vote for the person and not the party), a family man, donโ€™t care about material wealth, have only an average car and an average physique (God forbid). This place sucks for me. I will NEVER bitch about Chicago again and canโ€™t wait to return. CALIFORNIA SUCKS!!

by krock1dk@yahoo.com September 4, 2007

183๐Ÿ‘ 122๐Ÿ‘Ž


An overrated, Over-glorified state within the U.S that worships deadbeat actors like gods, is overly smug about how their state sucks so much- Smug to the point of being a high and mighty prick. Narcotics are readily available despite having the most entertaining things, gadgets, and beaches. The most shallow things are held in high regard in California.

No California, just no, you made the world 30% more stupid with Hollywood.

by Hello Govna! March 6, 2008

125๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best state ever with rich people and also gangstas not racist like texas and best besches, great weather home to the most popular city L.A peoople who talk shit are ajust jelous that there state sucks. You wish your governor would be as famous as ours

If you haven't been to Cali and you talk shit then you should just go suck the huge dick with all the other haters

by Cali Girl March 8, 2005

209๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most largest yet decent state in the U.S. so far, yet the shittiest place I've seen and been born in.
1. Hollywood filled with beggars, street gangs, corrupt cops, and moron tourists.
2. Traffic found everywhere somewhere near Los Angeles.
3. Pollution everywhere, go far enough from San Diego, and you can see a layer of smog.
4. Overused and stupid stereotypes, it's just illogical and obvious, it's extremely stupid and makes you want to leave.
5 . Shitty food, Chipotle, mediocre and overpriced, In-Out, shitty food and overpriced, I hate this.
6. Expensive living costs, In California: 4000 sq ft house 1.9 Mil. Outside Califonia: 8000 sq ft house, 600,000 dollars. Also no AC.
7. Hot weather and shitty disasters such as landslides, and hailstorms.

Tool: "California is the best place ever!!!"
Guy: "No it isn't you fucking idiot, it's the shittiest state."
Guy: "With your intelligence that's the smartest thing to do."

by War is peace February 15, 2017

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž